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This video is all about how I get ready in the morning, when I don't have school. I made this video because I want to share what it is like for me to do regular tasks, especially in the morning.


In this video, I explain my backstory in more detail, and share what it is like to live with my disability.

SFAH 2017!!!

In this video, I will show you what I did at my sleep-away camp this summer!  I had a great time and I hope that you enjoy it.


In this video, I danced at a special fundraising event for one  of my dance friends who recently passed away. It was very special and I hope you enjoy our performance.


In this video, I share what I think my life would be like if I didn't have cerebral palsy.


In this video, I tell you guys a little bit about myself and what I want to do with my channel in the future. I also answer some questions that people usually ask me.


In this video, I show my band concert, and explain what it is like to play an instrument with a disability.


In this video, I show you how I can ski and the equipment that I use.


In this video, I talk more about the Amazon commercial that I was in. 

My Experience with Motivational Speaking

IIn this video, I share details about the talk that I gave this past Sunday for the Curious Science Writers at Kean University. There is some footage from the talk included as well.

Please get in touch with any comments, questions, or suggestions.

A Day in My Life: How I Live with My Disability

In this video, I share what a typical day in my life is like living with cerebral palsy.

Getting Around London in a wheelchair! (Europe Vlog #1)

In this video, I take you guys along with me on the first part of my family vacation in Europe. We spent 4 days in London and it was so fun!

wheeling Through Paris! (Europe Vlog #2)

In this video, I take you guys along with me on the second part of my family vacation in Europe. We spent the weekend in Paris and we had an amazing time!

Click to watch now!

Spending the Week in France (Europe Vlog #3)

In this video, I take you guys along with me on the final part of my family vacation in Europe. We spent the week in Provence with some friends and it was amazing!

Getting Through the Airport with a Disability 

n this video, I share my experience going through the airport a few weeks ago, both the good and the bad...

How I Put on Makeup with Cerebral Palsy: My Everyday Makeup Routine 

In this video, I show you guys how I do my makeup even with all of the challenges that I face because of my CP.

What I Want to do After I Graduate High School

In this video, I tell you guys what my plans are for the future. I talk about things like college, a service dog, and motivational speaking. And by the way, I actually want to go to college now and I'm not just on the fence about it any more!

What I Did at Sleep-Away Camp This Year! | SFAH 2018

In this video, I tell you guys all of the things that I did while I was away at sleep away camp this year! I go to a camp called Southhampton Fresh Air Home, which is a special camp for kids with disabilities, and it is really fun!

High School Accommodations | All About My IEP, My Para, and Therapies!

In this video, I tell you guys all about the special things that my school does for me to maximize my learning and help me succeed. I talk about my IEP, my para, the therapies that I do, and all of the other things that my school does for me!

Click to watch now!

My First Attempt at Daily Vloging Trying to Vlog with CP

In this video, I share my first attempt at vlogging completely by myself! I clean my room, make my lunch, go shopping, and organize my closet, without any help!

service Dog Interview and Tour! | Service Dog process Part 1

n this video, I went to the Canine Partners for Life campus for my initial interview! I was interviewed by a few dog trainers, who got to know me and my needs. I also took a tour of the campus, got to see how I could walk with a dog, and played with a really cute puppy!

Going to the Great Sports Legends Awards Dinner in NYC!!

In this video, I tell you guys about a special awards dinner that I had the privilege to attend last Monday. It was an awesome experience and I had a great time!

Click to watch now!

Dancing at The Fairy Godmother Gala with Dancing Dreams! (2018)

In this video, I danced with my dancing school at The Fairy Godmother Gala again for the second year. The dance was in honor of our friend Linda who use to dance with me at Dancing Dreams and unfortunately passed away a few years ago. This video is a tribute to her!

Going to Homecomeing with Cerebral Palsy! | Homecoming 2018  

In this video, I share with you guys the experience that I had at my first homecoming dance! I had so much fun!

I Got Accepted into the Service Dog Program! | Service Dog Process Part 2

In this video, I share with you guys some very exciting news about the service dog process! I hope you enjoy!

Learning How To Be Independent With Cerebral Palsy!

In this vlog, I take you guys along with me on my first independent day on a school day. I make dinner, do my homework, and exercise, all by myself for the first time! I hope you enjoy!

Click to watch now!

What My Day Is Like When My Sister Has A Ski Race!

In this vlog, I take you guys along with me for the weekend when my sister had her first ski race of the season. I hope you enjoy!

Winter Adventures!

 In this vlog, I take you guys behind the scenes of filming for a promotional video for Adaptive Sports Foundation! I also show you guys some footage from Christmas and skiing! I hope you enjoy!

 Am Getting a New Manual Wheelchair! | Wheelchair Evaluation Appointment

In this video, I tell you guys about the wheelchair evaluation appointment that I had a few weeks ago. I hope you enjoy!

Getting Ready To Go On Vacation! | Spring Break Day 1

In this vlog, I get ready to go on vacation for spring break! I also exercise outside for the first time in a long time. I hope you guys enjoy!

Traveling To Utah For Spring Break! | Spring Break Vlog #2

In this vlog, I take you guys along with me while my family and I travel to Utah for spring break! I hope you guys enjoy the video!

Exploring Park City in A Wheelchair! | Spring Break Vlog #3

In this vlog, I take you guys along with me while my family and I explore Park City Utah! We go visit the National Abilities Center and we also do some sightseeing. I hope you guys enjoy the video!

Click to watch now!

Indoor Skydiving With Cerebral Palsy!

In this video, I share what my twin sister and I did for our 17th birthday! It was really scary, but also really fun. I hope you guys enjoy the video!

I Got A New Wheelchair! | How It Changed My Life

In this video, I tell you guys about my new wheelchair and how it has changed my life! I hope you guys enjoy the video!

The Reality of Being Sick When You Have a Disability...

In this video, I share with you guys what it is really like to be sick while having a disability such as cerebral palsy. I hope you enjoy the video!

Learning To Clean With A Disability | Independence with Cerebral Palsy

In this video, I attempt to clean my house for the first time by myself while my parents are out of town. I hope you enjoy the video!

Being Confident In Yourself When You Have a Disability

n this video, I talk about being confident in yourself when having a disability and how it is important. I hope you enjoy the video!

How I Started Dancing With Cerebral Palsy! | The Story Of How I Fell In Love With Dance

In this video, I tell you the story of how I started dancing with Dancing Dreams despite having a disability and how I fell in love with it. I hope you enjoy the video!

How I Make Food In My In-Accessible House | Independence with Cerebral Palsy

In this video, I show you how I can make my own food independently. What I made may seem very easy to make, but I wanted to show people the reality of getting even the simplest tasks done with a disability.

What It's Like Being A Twin!

n this video, I talk about what it is like to be a twin, especially when one of us is able-bodied and one has a disability.

How My Disability Affects Me Both Physically And Emotionally

In this video, I talk about how my disability affects me. I hope you enjoy the video!

My Sister's Field Hockey Senior Night! | What An Amazing Season!

In this vlog, I take you guys a log with me to my sister's field hockey senior night. what a great season it has been! I hope you enjoy the video!

What It's Like To Be In A Documentary!

In this video, I tell you guys what it was like to be in a documentary. I hope you enjoy the video!

Rolling Through Epcot! | Exploring Disney In A Wheelchair

In this vlog, I take you guys along with me on my edventures in Disney! I hope you guys enjoy the video!

Jet-Skiing With Cerebral Palsy! | Family Vacation

In this vlog, I go jet skiing with my dad and my sister and I also have some fun with my family. I hope you guys enjoy the video!

Click to watch now!

Finding The Perfect Service Dog! | Service Dog Process Update

n this video, I share my trip to Canine Partners For Life to find the perfect service dog! I hope you guys enjoy the video!

Morning Routine Of A Teenager With Cerebral Palsy | Weekend Morning Routine

In this video, I share what a typical morning looks like for me on the weekends! I hope you guys enjoy the video!

How Being Quarantined Has Changed My life! | Story Time

!n this video, I share how being quarantined has changed my life. I hope you guys enjoy the video!

Twin Sister Experiences What It Is Like To Be In A Wheelchair For A Day | A Day In My Life

In this video, I challenge my twin sister to spend the entire day in my wheelchair so that she can experience some of the challenges that I face on a daily basis. I hope you guys enjoy the video!

Feeling Trapped In My Body | Story Time

n this video, I talk about how I feel trapped in my own body. I hope you guys enjoy the video!

Teenager With Cerebral Palsy Walks In The Water On Her Own | A Week In The Life

In this vlog, I share some highlights of our family vacation at the beach. Fun times with cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents as well as overcoming challenges of being in an inaccessible house. I hope you guys enjoy the video!



Teenager With Cerebral Palsy Votes For The First Time! | My First Voting Experience

In this vlog, I share what my first voting experience was like. I hope you guys enjoy the video!

What It Is Like To Go To The Beach With A Disability | A Day In The Life Of A Teenager With CP

In this vlog, I share what it is like to go to the beach with a disability. I hope you guys enjoy the video

Teenager With Cerebral Palsy Learns How To Travel On An Airplane On Her own! | Story Time

In this video, I share what it is like to travel with a disability. I hope you guys enjoy the video!

The Types , Early Signs and  Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy  | Info About Cerebral Palsy

In this video, I talk about the types , early signs and symptoms of Cerebral Palsy I hope you guys enjoy the video!

Teenager With Cerebral Palsy Learns How To Drive A UTV | A week In The Life

In this vlog, I share some highlights of our family vacation in Aruba. I also share some accessibility challenges that I had while I was on this trip. I hope you guys enjoy the video!

Teenager With Cerebral Palsy Gets Her Own Mono Ski | Story Time

In this video, I share all about my new Mono Ski and how it works . I hope you guys enjoy the video!

Teenager with Cerebral Palsy Is Now A Collage Student! | My First Year Of Collage Experience

In this video, I share what my first year of collage was like. PS: don't mind the background noise in the video. ps: this video was filmed back in September when I first started in person classes and I am now fully in person and I am doing great so far. I hope you guys enjoy the video!

Adult With Cerebral Palsy Schedules Her Life Changing Surgery | Story Time

In this video, I share All the details about my surgery, why I am getting the surgery done and what my plan is for after the surgery. I hope you guys enjoy the video!

Adult With Cerebral Palsy's Life Changes Forever | The Day Of Her Life Changing Surgery

In this vlog, I share the day of my life changing surgery. I hope you guys enjoy the video!

Adult With CP Comes Home From The Hospital 17Hours After Having Her Life Changing Surgery

n this vlog, I share the day that I came home from the hospital and the first 3 days of my recovery after having my life changing surgery. I hope you guys enjoy the video!

In this vlog, I share the day that I got my cast off and what it was like to get fitted for my new AFO leg brace. I hope you guys enjoy the video!

Adult With Cerebral palsy Gets Her Cast Off 7
Weeks After Having Her Life Changing Surgery

Adult With CP Works Out For The First Time
3 Months After Having Her Life Changing Surgery

In this vlog, I share the day that I started working out again after having my surgery. I hope you guys enjoy the video!

AAdult With Cerebral Palsy Opens Up About Her
Anxiety And How It Affects Her | Story Time

In this video , I talk about my anxiety and how it affects me. I hope you guys enjoy the video!

Rolling Though Ireland | A Day In The Life

In this vlog, I share some highlights of our family vacation in Ireland. I hope you guys enjoy the video!

Adult With Cerebral Palsy Finally Meets Her
Friend From Ireland For The First Time

In this vlog, I met my friend from Ireland for the first time after 5 years of friendship. I hope you guys enjoy the video!

Adult With Cerebral Palsy Reviews The Permobil Smart Drive | Permobil Smart Drive Review

In this Video , I share what the permobil smart drive is and how it works. I hope you guys enjoy the video!

Spend A Long Weekend With Me At Rollettes Experience 2023

n this Vlog , I share my first Rollettes Experience. I hope you guys enjoy the video!

Adult With Cerebral Palsy Learns How To Curl Her
Hair On Her Own | Lena GenieCurl Review & Tutorial

In this Video , I share what the | Lena Geniecurl is and how it works. I hope you guys enjoy the video!

Adult With Cerebral Palsy Stands On Her Own 1
Year After Having Her Life Changing Surgery

In this vlog, I share a 1 year upside my life changing surgery and more. I hope you guys enjoy the video!

A Day In The Life Of An Adult With Cerebral Palsy At The Cerebral Palsy Community Day

In this Vlog. I spoke to some people who participated in the Cerebral Palsy Community Day. I hope you guys enjoy the video!

Adult With Cerebral Palsy Stays Home Alone For The Weekend | A Day In The Life

In this Vlog. I thought I would share how I take care of myself and our dog while my parents are away. I hope you guys enjoy the video!

Spend A Long Weekend With Me At Rollettes
Experience 2024

In this Vlog, I share my second Rollettes Experience. I hope you guys enjoy the video!

Adult With Cerebral Palsy Took Herself Off
The Service Dog List Here's Why | Story Time

In this Video, I explain why I took myself off the service dog list. I hope you guys enjoy the video!

New Puppy Surprise |A Day In The Life Of An Adult
With Cerebral Palsy

In this Vlog, I share my new puppy and how I take care of her as a disabled dog mom. I hope you guys enjoy it!

Adult With Cerebral Palsy Goes To The Emergency
Room Due To Abdominal Pain From VP Shunt Tubing

In this video, I share what a VP Shunt is and why I went to the emergency room about it 20 years later. I hope you guys enjoy the video!

Adult With Cerebral Palsy Has Her VP Shunt Tubing Removed | A Day In The Life

In this vlog, I share the day that I got my VP shunt tubing removed, I hope you guys enjoy the video!

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